
SuperDebuggerâ„¢ could greatly reduce your application development time by providing a more powerful and easy-to-use debugging environment. It featured dynamic display of source-level execution, point-and-click setting of breakpoints, savable debugging environments, user-definable macros, a variable contents display, a dynamic local variables browser, a methods browser, a breakpoints browser and more.

It also gave users the ability to easily inspect and trace dynamic variables. SuperDebugger was very easy to learn and included an extensive context-sensitive help facility.

The demo version of SuperDebugger could be turned into fully-functional version by entering a purchases license key.

Impact Software Publishing Inc.

SuperDebugger 3.72 - Demo Script

1. Double-click on to launch the program.

2. Open a program to be debugged using File->Open (Cmd-o) (Or drag and drop the program into the SuperDebugger window.)

3. Use Tools->Functions (Cmd-F) to bring out the Functions browser. (Browse through the functions in the source files by clicking on the items in the Functions browser)

4. Set a few break points by double-clicking on the functions/method items in the Functions browser, or by clicking once on the Breakpoint bar in the text window.

5. Use the Tools->Breakpoints (Cmd-B) to bring out the Breakpoints browser. (Click on a breakpoint in the Breakpoint browser to scroll the text in the text window to that breakpoint.)

6.Shift Click on a breakpoint sign in the Breakpoint bar in the text window to disable it and shift click again to re-enable it.

7. Select a breakpoint and type in a condition in the Condition input in Breakpoint browser and click the Condition button to set a conditional breakpoint.

8. Use the Tools->Variables (Cmd-V) to bring out the Stack/Local Variable browser.

9. Click the Run button in the Control Panel or type Alt-r to start the program. (Wait until the program hits a breakpoint or type Control-C to interrupt it.)

10. Browse through the Stack Frames and the Local Variables in the Stack/Local Variable browser. (Click on the Step/Next button (or type Alt-s/Alt-n) to single step the program execution.)

11. Select a variable in the text window or gdb output window and click the Print button (or typeAlt-p, equivalently click the right mouse button if your right mouse button is enabled)