
The Reporting Tool for Objective-C Debugging

CrashCatcher™ was a non-intrusive runtime utility for Objective-C debugging, specifically developed for Systems Administrators and Developers needing comprehensive crash and non-fatal NXEception reports. The application monitored operations of beta-test and production software, and automatically sent reports to the user's console or e-mail address—whichever was preferable.

Without Crash Catcher end-users would report only a few of the crashes they experience, since they often cannot reproduce or describe the specific events leading up to the crash. This problem was easily eliminated through the use of Crash Catcher.

CrashCatcher generated comprehensive reports on crashes and non-fatal exceptions for software under development in gdb. It then continued to watch for errors in beta-test and production software in the field. When an error occurred, CrashCatcher automatically sent a comprehensive report to the user's console or to an e-mail address specified by the system administrator.

• Initiate reports externally and then return control to the application.

• Customize report triggers and contents, even to system and third-party resources.

• Safely decode C strings and objects.

• Enable "soft landings."

• Save time in development and achieve 100% reporting of errors in the field.

WhiteLight Systems. Inc.
Alembic Systems International
Paget Press
Volume and academic discounts were available.