About this site

During NeXT's ascendancy, we were NextStep Developers, NextStep System Integrators, Next Dealer, NextStep Certified Trainers, IMPROV Trainer (That's another story worthy of it's own web site), NeXT Hardware Service Techs, NextStep Software Publishers

During that time we amassed a unique collection of NeXT related products and assorted items which grew up around Next Computer ecosystem, including rare items such as dealer sales kits, logo'd clothing, NeXT jewelry, banners, training tapes for servicing NeXt computers and printers, developer guides, plus third party software and hardware products.

We hung on to it for years. Now, through this web site, we are sharing some of the collection with you. In addition to NeXT name brand products and services, this site describes over 800 NeXT and third party products. Many of them have multipage brochures and white papers.

To help you find what you are looking for or just to assist you browsing the collection, we have provided a list organized two ways: a site map and a listing of products organized alphabetically.

We have also provided a list of Next third party developers and a separate list of Distributors. Most of these addresses, phone numbers and email addresses will no doubt be out of date, but it is a place for you to start your research.

The collection may well be the most extensive NeXT related collection existing today, and it's looking for a home, but only as a collection. After all, it's history worth preserving.

N.B.: This web site is not done.
  • There are many items in the collection that have yet to be cataloged and listed on this web site.
  • There are plans for several articles positioning or explaining the significance of various breakthroughs captured in this collection.
  • It is hoped our readers, many of whom "lived it" will contribute history, insight, their personal stories and artifacts.
  • You are invited to return many times to witness the story unfold.