NeXTWorld Expo

NeXTWorld Expo,
Regency Center?
San Francisco
January 22 to 24 1992

First year of the show.

Moscone Center
San Francisco
May 25-27 1993

The second annual gathering of the worldwide NeXT community, sponsored by NeXTWORLD Magazine, Digital Consulting, Inc., and NeXT, Inc. NeXTWORLD Expo combined a worldwide Developer Conference, User Conference, and Product Exposition spanning three days. At the Expo, NeXT delivered its completed, shrink-wrapped release of NEXT-STEP for Intel processors, the product that Byte magazine called . . . "the most respected piece of software on the planet" made available on industry-standard Intel based computers.

Keynote Speakers
Steve Jobs, Chairman and CEO NeXT, Inc., discussed the future of object-oriented, client-server computing. Andy Grove, Chairman and CEO of Intel Corporation discussed Intel '486 and Pentium processors and the market for NeXTSTEP on Intel based computers.

Product Exposition
Over 100 product exhibits. Discover why so many companies embraced NeXTSTEP object oriented technology. One saw the latest in NeXTSTEP hardware and software, and met with users, resellers, and partners. The Expo also featured an ObjectWare Pavilion dedicated to a growing number of NeXTSTEP ObjectWare vendors.

Developer Conference
The NeXTWORLD Expo '93 Developer Conference offered a broad curriculum to the developer community, focusing on creating both shrinkwrapped applications and client-server custom applications. Because the ability to run NeXTSTEP applications on Intel-based computers, both the general session and conference tracks provide valuable information about software porting and product distribution.

User Conference
The NeXTWORLD Expo '93 User Conference offered in-depth information about the use of NeXT-STEP in corporate information systems and on individual desktops. Designed for experienced NeXTSTEP end users, system managers, and IS strategists, the four-track program focused on the issues of deploying NeXTSTEP in enterprisewide systems; using NeXTSTEP for maximum benefits; case studies of NeXTSTEP usage in the real world; and comparative looks at the most innovative third-party products in the NeXT market. One session in each track was dedicated to providing a quick start for users who were new to NeXTSTEP, so that they could participate fully in the remainder of the program.

User Group Program
NOIR (NeXT Organizations International) sponsored a worldwide User Group Program. The 1993 program theme was " '486 An Explosion of New Users Under NeXT's Big Tent." Sessions focused on two tracks: User Group Leadership and Member Services. In the previous year, over 100 groups from around the world were represented.

As a special offer, all registered NeXTWORLD EXPO attendees recieved an aggressive discount on NeXT's software products available at the EXPO.