What's with all the NeXT names?

In this site and associated materials you will see many incarnations of the NeXTSTEP name:
  • NextStep
  • NeXTStep
  • NeXTstep
  • OpenStep
  • OpenStep for Solaris
  • OPENSTEP for Windows
How could there be so many ways to type NeXTSTEP and then OpenStep? Was there no corporate standards to control their brand?

In fact standards were strictly adhered to and each of the above examples had well defined and unique meaning. For example:
  • NeXT corporate name was always done with the lowecase "e".
  • The NeXT logo had to be tilted at exactly 27.5 degrees
  • The exact Pantone colors were demanded on all Dealer Materials
  • NeXTStep was used to indicate the whole system (GUI, Apps, MachOS, etc.) that was run on NeXT hardware.
  • NeXTSTEP was used to indicate the whole system (originally NeXTStep) but now for NeXT and Intel computers.
  • NeXTstep was used to indicate the package of GUI and API without the operating system for IBM was to add to AIX.
  • NEXTSTEP was used when they added a PA/RISC version. Then it became NEXTSTEP/NeXT Computers, NEXTSTEP/Intel, NEXTSTEP/SPARC and NEXTSTEP/PA-RISC.
  • OpenStep was a declaration that the NeXT Operating System was available to other hardware vendors. Hence the "Open" in it's name. It was not a product but an Application Interface (API) definition which a vendor needed to support fully in order to call their system "OpenStep compliant".
  • OPENSTEP was NeXT's implementation of the OpenStep specification. In chronological sequence you could consider it NEXTSTEP 4.0. There were versions for the original NeXT hardware, Intel based PCs and eventually SPARC.
  • OpenStep for Solaris was Sun's implementation of the OpenStep standard. It was based on source code Sun purchased from NeXT. It was layered on the X Window system, which in turn was layered on top of Sun's operating system, Solaris.
  • OPENSTEP for Windows was developed by NeXT. It layered OPENSTEP functionality on top of Windows NT.

A more detailed explanation is provided at OpenStep Confusion: