The Complete Guide to the NeXTStep User Environment

This book by Michael B. Shebanek, which included a disk, described the advanced, object oriented NeXTStep User Environment for Motorola and Intel-based computers. It was intended for those who already owned a computer running NeXTStep and wanted to quickly leam what it could do and how to get the most out of it with the least effort. It was also for those who were considering the purchase of NeXTStep but wanted to leam more about how it worked.

This was not just a "getting started" manual, but a book that described how to make NeXTStep work. It provided numerous tips and tricks, shortcuts and commentary and was written to make you feel as if you were sitting next to a veteran who could guide you through the NeXTStep environment. The enclosed 3.5-inch disk included NeXTStep applications, fonts, sample sounds and images to quickly speed you on your way.

TELOS.The Electronic Library of Science
A Springer-Verlag Imprint


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