Object-Oriented Applications Development With NeXTstep

Mission- critical custom software applications are key to success in the 1990’s. This paper describes the advantages of developing those applications using NeXTstep, the industry’s most extensive object-oriented systems software. NeXTstep’s advantages include its thorough object orientation and its integrated set of development tools. Programmers can develop applications five to ten times faster since they need to write less code. Benefits also include reduced learning time, improved maintainability and reliability, code reusability, increased programming flexibility, and the ability to manage more complex applications.

For users, NeXTstep applications can be developed and implemented more quickly. NeXTstep applications have professionalquality interfaces making them easier to use, and which integrate well with the productivity applications needed by users. This paper also describes the tools available to NeXTstep programmers, including NeXTstep’s support for client-server computing and industry standards.

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Object-Oriented Applications Development With NeXTstep