Modeling Your Business With Objects

Enterprise Objects Framework builds on NeXT's leadership in object-oriented software and redefines how custom business applications are constructed, setting a new benchmark for the capability and scalability of object-oriented systems.

Modeling Your Business with Objects

Using the Enterprise Objects Framework, programmers can build business-centric information systems by defining custom objects that tightly integrate business information and the logic associated with managing or processing that information. The Framework seamlessly extends the capabilities of NEXTSTEP and NeXT's Portable Distributed Objects (PDO), enabling developers to create highly reusable business objects that store data in relational databases.

Enterprise Objects simplify the process of building complex business information systems because it eliminates the need to duplicate data processing code in multiple application modules. The Framework enables programmers to create business objects that incorporate business process logic once and use those objects to manage enterprise-wide operations, even when the data is represented differently in different divisions of your organization.

Applications created using Enterprise Objects Framework can also incorporate customizable, vertical industry business objects supplied by industry specialists. By simply mapping the data elements of Enterprise Objects to the data structures used to store information, programmers can take advantage of pre-defined business processes designed to properly process business information. Programmers customize only those processes that require modification to meet special requirements.

This white paper first defines business objects and provides an overview of the technology used to incorporate these objects in enterprise information systems.

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