
WriteStep was the no-nonsense, casy-ro-use and, best of all, low-cost word processor for NEXTSTEP. WriteStep makes it easier than ever to enter and format letters and documents requiring a mix of text and graphics. WriteStep allowed you quickly and easily create great-looking reports, correspondence, memos, flyers, and more.

The convenient button bar leaves you just a button away from the 30 most common commands, including cut. copy, paste, bold, italics, underline, text justification, on-line help, spell checking, antonym/synonym thesaurus, English writing reference guide, quick quote reference, bulleted text, and more. Using WriteStep, you could drag and drop or copy and paste EPS and TIFF graphics and have multiple page headers and footers within any WriteStep document. Extras include:
soning text, finding and replacing text, evaluating arithmetic equations, and numbering lines and pages in a variety of styles.

The WriteStep package includes an extensive hardcopy and on-line manual, as well as example business forms, letters, and brochures that make it easy for you 10 get started and get the most out of the program. The three on-line reference packages give you powerful and necessary information at your fingertips, including the antonym/synonym thesaurus, Englisli writing guide, and quick quotation finder. The English writing guide allowed you sec rules on capitalization, punctuation, and styles. The quick quote collection includes more than 5.000 quotes categorized by topic and author.

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