
Typesetting equations can be an exacting and time-consuming process. There seem to be as many ways to format a particular mathematical expression as there are people interested in mathematics. EquationBuilder was designed to "do the right thing" the first time, letting you focus on content rather than mechanics. Of course, for every "right" way of typesetting a particular equation, there may be several good reasons to typeset it differently. Using inspectors, EquationBuilder gave you direct access to a variety of alternatives for typesetting equations.

Using a distributed, object oriented approach to typesetting, EquationBuilder expressions were dynamically recomposcd each time the expression was edited, assuring typographic consistency and professional-quality results.

With EquationBuilder, mathematical expressions were easily constructed from a palette of common elements, such as fractions, matrices, and delimiters. Each element was an object and could be inspected quickly, allowing you to change its form in obvious and intuitive ways. EquationBuilder automatically followed standard professional typesetting rules, although manual kerning of arbitrary elements was also possible through inspectors.

EquationBuilder's intuitive graphical interface took full advantage of NEXTSTEP's object oriented environment, offering typesetting that truly matches output to what appears on the screen. Using Encapsulated PostScript as the native file format, EquarionBuilder expressions could easily be included in any page layout or word processing application by a simple drag and drop. EquationBuilder fully integrated into the NEXTSTEP environment, including full support for Object Links, filter services, and universal drag and drop.

EquationBuilder also featured powerful and accurate translation to TEX Document Processing Software, giving TEX users a simple, intuitive equation composition environment.

Digital Tool Works
PC Connection
Alembic Systems International
Paget Press
Academic and network discounts were available.
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